Orbit BI Solution for ERP Applications

Orbit BI Solution for ERP Applications

Business Intelligence has become critical today for enterprises to draw insights on data generated from across the company and make informed decisions to spur growth. The data is typically drawn by connecting to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system used by...

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Understanding the Difference Between Reporting and Analytics

Understanding the Difference Between Reporting and Analytics

The terms reporting and analytics are often used interchangeably. This is not surprising since both take in data as “input” -- which is then processed and presented in the form of charts, graphs, or dashboards. Reports and analytics help businesses improve operational...

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25 Years of Business Intelligence

25 Years of Business Intelligence

The book Cyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, published in 1865, describes how a banker named Sir Henry Furnese actively gathered information to base his business decisions on and beat the competition. In the early 20th century, Henry Ford is believed to...

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What is Poor Quality Data Costing Your Organization?

What is Poor Quality Data Costing Your Organization?

From startups to mega-corporations, retail to healthcare, data is a fundamental part of the business model. But in the rush to become data-informed, are organizations failing to consider the costs of bad data quality? Quality data is a mission-critical requirement....

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What’s in a Backup? Baltimore Finds Out the Hard Way

What’s in a Backup? Baltimore Finds Out the Hard Way

It’s a truth universally acknowledged in IT that time-intensive activities like network security, database backups and disaster recovery never receive the appreciation they deserve. Why should they? If a server goes down but traffic is seamlessly routed to another...

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The Solution to Siloed Data is Transformation

The Solution to Siloed Data is Transformation

Today’s growing data volume presents virtually limitless opportunities for organizations to optimize processes or increase profitability. But that’s only possible if data can be aggregated and analyzed to inform business decisions. Unfortunately, the large volumes of...

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Data Mashing: A Lens on Enterprise Data

Data Mashing: A Lens on Enterprise Data

“Data mashing” seems like a poor description of a process. You are not bludgeoning the data. Instead, data mashing is more like using a kaleidoscope – mixing together different types of data and seeing what it looks like through a single lens. The difference is that,...

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3 Features You Need from Your BI Tool

3 Features You Need from Your BI Tool

Few events in history come close to matching the enormity of the Big Data explosion. According to industry research, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. That's approximately 2.5 exabytes. For perspective, if every word ever spoken were quantified in...

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