Is Your Business “Intelligent”?

Is Your Business “Intelligent”?

The term Business Intelligence has been around since the 1920s, but gained prominence from the 1950s onwards. The advent of data processing mainframe systems and early DBMS allowed for data to be stored, processed and reported. Interest in BI revolutionized in the...

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Ad Hoc Reporting: Query, Test, Communicate, Repeat

Ad Hoc Reporting: Query, Test, Communicate, Repeat

NASA started using computers to calculate orbital paths in 1962. However, John Glenn, a respected pilot from World War II, wasn’t quite sure that he trusted the computer’s numbers. After all, he was trying to become the first American to orbit the Earth. Glenn refused...

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What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based BI?

What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based BI?

This article will discuss those benefits in detail and provide some of the main reasons why organizations are moving towards a cloud-based BI solution. Many business decision-makers have been won over by the cloud's promises of scalability, low overhead and strong...

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Top 5 Business Intelligence and Reporting Trends

Top 5 Business Intelligence and Reporting Trends

As data analytics are being recognized as a central component of business operations, organizations are under increasing pressure to keep pace with the evolution of business intelligence and operational reporting tools. To do so, they'll need to chart the technology's...

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Clouds of BI

Clouds of BI

So everything is moving to this Cloud thing these days, right? Family photo albums, letters, personal diaries, event invitations, dream logs, calendars, computer files, horoscopes and even pictures of your cat playing with a string are all being stored, accessed and...

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