25 Years of Business Intelligence

25 Years of Business Intelligence

The book Cyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, published in 1865, describes how a banker named Sir Henry Furnese actively gathered information to base his business decisions on and beat the competition. In the early 20th century, Henry Ford is believed to...
Is Your Business “Intelligent”?

Is Your Business “Intelligent”?

The term Business Intelligence has been around since the 1920s, but gained prominence from the 1950s onwards. The advent of data processing mainframe systems and early DBMS allowed for data to be stored, processed and reported. Interest in BI revolutionized in the...
What Data Visualization Should I Use?

What Data Visualization Should I Use?

Raw data sets that are aggregated from corporate repositories, social media channels, company website metrics and other sources all have the potential to be of great value to an organization, but they don’t actually convey meaning at a glance. This is where data...